
Speech marks

An outstanding headteacher with an excellent vision for the school supported by a strong set of values and beliefs and clear strategic thinking. She always develops strong relationships with staff and students and has a particular gift for project management, and change projects.

Vivienne – Trustee, Chair of Governors and Leadership Coach

Speech marks

Sarah has an amazing knack of making everyone she meets feel welcome, comfortable and valued.  She has been an immense support to me both personally and professionally, possessing the ability to console whilst assisting you to find practical solutions and  rearrange your confused thoughts. Sarah has helped me to identify my strengths and potential career paths and I can honestly say that I would not have had the courage or confidence to start this new journey without her support - it really is like having your own cheerleader! I have valued our time working together and look forward to hopefully doing so again in the future.

Rebecca Mooney – Specialist Teaching Assistant

Speech marks

I was lucky enough to be supported by Sarah in her capacity as Head Teacher during my School Direct training year. The kindness and valuable insight Sarah shared with myself during this time was of immeasurable value. I couldn’t have felt more supported by Sarah, or the team that she built and nurtured at the school. Sarah has an eye for knowing what information and support is most needed at different times, honing in on only what is going to be of most value and benefit to the people like myself and the team that she supported in this capacity. I would highly recommend Sarah’s professional insight, leadership and mentoring skills, and her integrity, honesty and openness as a person - Sarah is refreshing to work with and I would work under her mentorship and leadership with no doubts in the future. I had the most wonderful experience training under Sarah’s headship; it has left an indelible impression on myself and my practice as a teacher.

Eleanor Foxwell – Teacher

Speech marks

Sarah’s life coaching came into my life at the perfect time. I felt so comfortable and at ease with Sarah every session and I had no trouble fully opening up and being my most vulnerable self. She instantly knew what areas in my life I wanted to work on and she had so much knowledge and guidance that I was able to implement that and see massive change in the areas I wanted them too. I highly recommend life coaching with Sarah!

Victoria Bleach – Coaching Client

Speech marks

Without Sarah's direction, attention to detail, ongoing support and comprehension of what's important in life, I wouldn't be where I am now.

Shane Silk – Deputy Head Teacher

Speech marks

For the past 6 years Sarah has taught, guided and supported me to be the best I can be. She is knowledgeable, kind as well as being extremely caring (and hilarious!) If Sarah hadn’t believed in me and pushed me to progress in my career I wouldn’t be where I am today and for that I am eternally grateful. Thanks to Sarah I now believe in myself and have grown immensely in confidence. I feel extremely lucky for getting to work with Sarah and for all of her support and knowledge shared.

Romana Beale – Key Stage 1 Teacher and SENCO

Speech marks

Sarah oozes credibility, wisdom and moral purpose and it is a rare privilege to know and work with someone as special as her. After many years serving her community as a headteacher, I am so excited to see the good she will do in the world as a coach, mentor and facilitator.

Dr Emma Kell

Speech marks

From our first interaction, Sarah built a rapport that made her expertise and years of experience in navigating complex contexts shine. Her practical methods significantly boosted my resilience, helping me harness strength from my network. Amid my cluttered life, Sarah offered clarity and structure, reframing my situation into a manageable framework. She co-reflects with clients to discover tailored solutions, effectively combating burnout. I wholeheartedly recommend Sarah for anyone needing to streamline their life and find custom solutions. Her coaching is transformative and, with her, you're choosing a partner committed to your success.

Cllr Jenna Sabine

Speech marks

Teaching is hard work at the best of times but teaching a particularly challenging class had almost finished me off! I felt broken. I began to question my abilities as a teacher and my self-esteem was lower than it had ever been . Unable to find a work life balance, I knew that I was burning out. I decided to give it another year before I considered leaving the profession that I had worked so long and hard to be a part of. My very supportive head teacher suggested I access coaching with Sarah. Here began my healing process. Sarah oozes warmth, compassion, empathy and logic. Her personality and professionalism offered a safe space to talk, rant and reflect upon my immediate thoughts and reactions in difficult situations. I truly believe that my weekly coaching sessions with Sarah have given me strategies and perspective. I have learned to better understand my initial thoughts and reactions, and how they affect others. I am beginning to believe in myself again and when difficult situations arise, I remember to tell myself that ‘it’s not personal’ and that ‘I am trying my best.’

Key Stage 1 Teacher

Speech marks

Sarah made me feel valued and seen from the moment I met her. She has clear and strong values which encompassed each of our sessions. Sarah has helped me to believe in myself and believe in the job I do. I have found a love for what I do again - thank you!

Deputy Head Teacher

Sarah looking off into the distance outdoors.

What can P&P offer you?

Do you want to gain clarity and perspective in your life?

  • We offer individual or team coaching to anyone for any life goals (large or small). The professional life coaching offer is not exclusively for people who work in education; we are happy to take on coachees from all walks of life. If you are committed  to the process it will  be totally transformational.
  • We offer professional development sessions for schools, trusts, MATS and LA’s. With 25 years experience we can develop your team in a range of different areas.
  • We offer keynote speeches for conferences, network meetings, staff meetings etc. We promise to be engaging and amusing and the content will be based in the real world of education!

All of the above are offered at competitive rates and discounts can be applied depending on your setting and need.  Please get in touch and see what we can offer you – there is no charge for an initial planning session.

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Keynote Speaking

Possibilities and Perspective - A Keynote about Realignment.

According to the most recent Teachers Wellbeing Index:

  • 89% of school leaders are stressed.
  • 82% of teachers are stressed.

In 2023 23,241 head teachers left their posts and 1,694 of them were not retiring.

In November 2022 my health began to fail to the point that I had several serious cardiac events due to the pressure of my job as head teacher.

How do we change this for the future of our profession?

We need schools that are based on belonging, shared values, trust, relationships and wellbeing. These are known as soft leadership skills.

Book me to hear more.

Contact Me
Sarah looking off into the distance outdoors.

What can P&P offer you?

Do you want to gain clarity and perspective in your life?

  • We offer individual or team coaching to anyone for any life goals (large or small). The professional life coaching offer is not exclusively for people who work in education; we are happy to take on coachees from all walks of life. If you are committed  to the process it will  be totally transformational.
  • We offer professional development sessions for schools, trusts, MATS and LA’s. With 25 years experience we can develop your team in a range of different areas.
  • We offer keynote speeches for conferences, network meetings, staff meetings etc. We promise to be engaging and amusing and the content will be based in the real world of education!

All of the above are offered at competitive rates and discounts can be applied depending on your setting and need.  Please get in touch and see what we can offer you – there is no charge for an initial planning session.

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What Do I Offer?

I have 25 years’ experience in primary education and I am the parent of neurodiverse girls. I can offer you bespoke training including the following areas:

  • Wellbeing that works.
  • ADHD - Myth busting and supporting both children and adults with ADHD – Download Flyer
  • ADHD Family Support – Download Flyer
  • Neurodiversity in girls/women.
  • Leading a school using soft leadership changes.

However, if there is anything in school that you need support with – an idea that needs help to become a reality then please get in touch. We can create something together.

There is no charge for an initial planning meeting.

Contact Me
Sarah looking off into the distance outdoors.

What can P&P offer you?

Do you want to gain clarity and perspective in your life?

  • We offer individual or team coaching to anyone for any life goals (large or small). The professional life coaching offer is not exclusively for people who work in education; we are happy to take on coachees from all walks of life. If you are committed  to the process it will  be totally transformational.
  • We offer professional development sessions for schools, trusts, MATS and LA’s. With 25 years experience we can develop your team in a range of different areas.
  • We offer keynote speeches for conferences, network meetings, staff meetings etc. We promise to be engaging and amusing and the content will be based in the real world of education!

All of the above are offered at competitive rates and discounts can be applied depending on your setting and need.  Please get in touch and see what we can offer you – there is no charge for an initial planning session.

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Coaching in all it's formats has been around a very long time - but who was the first known coach?

The million dollar question that is asked all the time – what does a coach actually do?

What is Performance Coaching?

Coaching is the process of working with others to enable them to reach their goals in life. As a coach my role is to enable you to explore your situation, find your resources and make you ready for positive change!

With individuals this will:

  • Increase your confidence
  • Improve your relationships
  • Give you a better awareness of yourself
  • Support you to reach your goals
  • Give you a better work life balance
  • Give you greater self-belief
  • Know your greatest skills and strengths

In an organisation/team this will:

  • Give the team greater understanding of each other
  • Raise the levels of cooperation
  • Give clarity in leadership
  • Increase the return on investment
  • Improve job satisfaction
  • Ensure greater commitment
  • Improve conflict resolution

Coaching provides:

  • Time for you to explore your needs in a safe, confidential space.
  • A much needed opportunity to ‘dump’ your thoughts and process them in a structured and positive manner.
  • A non-judgmental, trained professional to help you identify your strengths and to hold you accountable to yourself.
  • The defining of your values and how to live your life through them.
  • The belief in yourself and your own resources to take action with your next steps and exciting opportunities.
Contact Me

Coaching Feedback

Speech marks

Dear Sarah,

I want to thank you for the support you have given me through Possibilities and Perspectives during one of the most challenging times of my life to date.

This is my story:
Not all fires are dramatic, explosive events. Sometimes, they can smolder away, undetected, for months or even years at a time. The damage is still being done, albeit slowly, hidden away and out of sight. That’s what happened to me.

Although I loved many aspects of my primary teaching job, the realities of working full-time in today’s school system are challenging. There are too many facets of that particular topic to list here, but they can only be described as total overwhelm for the intelligent, capable, hard-working teachers trying to uphold what they know to be right but cannot remotely facilitate within their physical, mental, legislative and budget-constrained environment.

For nine years I tried so hard to fit into a world with impossible expectations. The outcome was inevitable really.

This year, my burnout reached crisis point. For months, I felt l as though I was living in shadow. Dim light, dull senses, a less than half-life lived between lying on the sofa in a silent, exhausted mess and sleep punctuated by chaotic dreams. It’s no exaggeration to say that, at 39 years old, I felt like my life was over. I would look out of my classroom window at the cemetery adjacent to my school and envisage lying down in my early grave. If that sounds pretty dark, it was.

When you are at rock bottom, it is impossible to believe you are capable of anything, let alone escaping a career you’ve built through hard work and reached a level of competence that makes you fear the unknown. Not to mention the reliable paycheck at the end of every month. I knew that things couldn’t go on as they were, but I also felt trapped. I knew things had to change but I couldn’t make sense of anything on my own, especially not in my burned-out state. I needed help.

That’s when I reached out to Sarah. I had worked with coaches and therapists before but none of them could really understand in the same way as she could.

Particularly from the education sector perspective. She had been there and then some! I knew that she would be someone who empathised with the turbulent storm of feelings that come with trying to escape a job that you care deeply about and that you’ve dedicated yourself to, yet also made you feel like a total failure and has broken your soul. I knew that she would understand that special brand of exhaustion that teachers experience on a daily basis. I also knew that she had made the break, felt the fear and done it anyway. She had first-hand and real experience of the ups and downs of life after teaching.

Sarah and I started working together just as I handed my notice in. This was a terrifying process for someone who has had a secure job and salary for the past nine years. It felt like stepping into the unknown but with Sarah there to acknowledge that my feelings were totally valid, and coach me through this time, it was worth every penny of the investment I made into the sessions. During my notice period, things were particularly tough. Having a coach as an impartial influence was such a valuable resource beyond friends and family who can be too emotionally close to a loved-one going through a difficult time.

Sarah also became the voice of rationality. Helping me to see that what I was hoping to do was not unrealistic or reckless, but a totally feasible way of living (and making a living). She held me accountable with manageable targets, all the while mindful that I was still existing in a stressful environment. She was flexible in her approach and there to push me when I needed it.

So now I am on the other side. I feel in a headspace where I am more able to think objectively about things instead of tending to the negative. I feel able to be proud of what I’ve achieved in a short time, no matter how small that step is. For the first time in a long time, I feel hopeful about the future. I honestly don’t think I would have had the courage and perspective to actually make the break if it wasn’t for Sarah’s support. I will continue to work with her as my new life evolves and I inevitably encounter kinks in the road. I’m glad she will be with me along the journey.

Steffie, Coachee

Sarah looking off into the distance outdoors.

What can P&P offer you?

Do you want to gain clarity and perspective in your life?

  • We offer individual or team coaching to anyone for any life goals (large or small). The professional life coaching offer is not exclusively for people who work in education; we are happy to take on coachees from all walks of life. If you are committed  to the process it will  be totally transformational.
  • We offer professional development sessions for schools, trusts, MATS and LA’s. With 25 years experience we can develop your team in a range of different areas.
  • We offer keynote speeches for conferences, network meetings, staff meetings etc. We promise to be engaging and amusing and the content will be based in the real world of education!

All of the above are offered at competitive rates and discounts can be applied depending on your setting and need.  Please get in touch and see what we can offer you – there is no charge for an initial planning session.

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About Me

Read How Headship Broke My Heart

Welcome to my website, I am Sarah Hussey, founder of Possibilities and Perspective Education. I have worked in education since the early 1990s; I started as a midday supervisor and teaching assistant and my most recent role was 13 years as a head teacher of a successful primary school.

On 6th December 2022 I was bluelighted from the Isle of wight to a specialist cardiac hospital in Portsmouth after suffering a string of terrifying cardiac events brought on by the stress of my job. I was consistently working over 55 hours a week, my blood pressure was dangerously high and I had just been through my third and most difficult OFSTED inspection as a head.

I have not returned to headship, instead after some initial dark weeks of depression and feeling a lack of purpose I used the experience to open my eyes to all the other wonderful, slightly scary possibilities open to me and gained some well needed clarity and perspective on my life. I am still supporting others and working in education and I am driven by the absolute certainty that leadership in schools needs to be based on the following – belonging, shared values, trust, relationships and wellbeing.

Book me for a keynote to hear more about my journey and why soft leadership skills matter.

Do you need some possibilities and perspective in your life?

Contact Me
Sarah looking off into the distance outdoors.

What can P&P offer you?

Do you want to gain clarity and perspective in your life?

  • We offer individual or team coaching to anyone for any life goals (large or small). The professional life coaching offer is not exclusively for people who work in education; we are happy to take on coachees from all walks of life. If you are committed  to the process it will  be totally transformational.
  • We offer professional development sessions for schools, trusts, MATS and LA’s. With 25 years experience we can develop your team in a range of different areas.
  • We offer keynote speeches for conferences, network meetings, staff meetings etc. We promise to be engaging and amusing and the content will be based in the real world of education!

All of the above are offered at competitive rates and discounts can be applied depending on your setting and need.  Please get in touch and see what we can offer you – there is no charge for an initial planning session.

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Home Page

Illustration of a light bulb.


I am Sarah Hussey and I am the founder of Possibilities and Perspective.

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Illustration of a speech mark.

Keynote Speaking

I am passionate about offering key-note speeches and building leadership networks.

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Illustrations with two speech bubbles. One with a ! and one with a ?


Performance coaching can be transformational when you commit to the process.

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Illustrations of an open book with a pencil.


Excellent professional development can make a positive impact on your entire school community.

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Keep up to date on my progress.

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Sarah looking off into the distance outdoors.

What can P&P offer you?

Do you want to gain clarity and perspective in your life?

  • We offer individual or team coaching to anyone for any life goals (large or small). The professional life coaching offer is not exclusively for people who work in education; we are happy to take on coachees from all walks of life. If you are committed  to the process it will  be totally transformational.
  • We offer professional development sessions for schools, trusts, MATS and LA’s. With 25 years experience we can develop your team in a range of different areas.
  • We offer keynote speeches for conferences, network meetings, staff meetings etc. We promise to be engaging and amusing and the content will be based in the real world of education!

All of the above are offered at competitive rates and discounts can be applied depending on your setting and need.  Please get in touch and see what we can offer you – there is no charge for an initial planning session.

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Speech marks

Sarah oozes credibility, wisdom and moral purpose and it is a rare privilege to know and work with someone as special as her. After many years serving her community as a headteacher, I am so excited to see the good she will do in the world as a coach, mentor and facilitator.

Dr Emma Kell

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